domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008

A Woman whose Strength of Spirit did not have Limits

Queen Elizabeth I of England was the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth I was a protestant queen. She was brave enough to confront the Spanish Army which was thirsty for power and supported by the influential Catholic Church.

While you watch “Elizabeth” film, you go back to History and enjoy one of its most exiting and interesting episodes named Gold Age.

When Mary Stuart, who was Elizabeth’s cousin and the woman who Catholic religion trusted in to be the main religion of England again, died put Elizabeth I in an awkward position.

Even though, Elizabeth I looked like a strong woman who had an imposing presence, she felt fear as common people did. She was a queen, but she was a human being too.

Through the role that the famous actress Cate Blanchett played in the film, she managed to revive Queen Elizabeth I successfully. As a result, now you could not just read and heard about who was the protestant queen of England, but also enjoy watching an amazing film which is the result of a beautiful, professional and arduous work.

Elizabeth was as extremely beautiful as intelligent. She was an educated woman whose voice was heard attentive and respectfully.

Undoubtedly, Elizabeth had strength without limits. She was an admirable queen who fought against the enemy to protect its country as a mother would do it with her little child.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

More than Words...

I am going to introduce “Ways of Seeing”. This is an interesting book which makes you think about how significant seeing is. Paintings and pictures produce significant feelings and sensations in your present according to your past. Most of the time, these feelings and sensations are hard to describe with words because of the strength of them. In the case of paintings, at the beginning, these made people believe that they were the centre of the world. However, important inventions, as camera and video camera, were going to change History. As these inventions could reproduce paintings, the way of how men painted and looked at them changed. As a result, paintings could be seen not only from one person’s perspective but from many too. Since then men had to have in mind that they could see and could be seen too.Furthermore, it seems to be incredible that people gave paintings, especially religious paintings, a market value to keep its spiritual value which had been lost after camera’s invention. On the other hand, what you see is what you want to see. The experiences that you have already lived make you feel attracted to specific things. You take a picture of a specific landscape from a specific place, because it called your attention due to meaningful experiences from your past.In conclusion, what you observe in the present has a constant relation to what you saw in the past. Something similar happens with education, because you can apply to your present the knowledge that you got from your past. Due to that I mentioned before, I have acquired, as a future teacher, as the knowledge as the mission to make significant changes for a better Chilean education’s quality.

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008